Operations Pay Calculations
Jesse Martens
It would be helpful to be able to separate the Operations Pay Calculations from the Item Sale Price Calculation. For example, we hire subcontractors for our spray foam and the builder just gets a fixed pay amount, not the per square foot charge that the customer pays. Therefore it would be great to be able to enter a fixed value for the operations.
Dallas Strite
Do you use operations to pay your guys through it would be interesting to know how you handle this because there is stuff that we pay the guys for outside of shed app we still have them turn in a invoice every Friday. I didn't see it be worth it going to all the work of setting this up.
Jesse Martens
Sorry, I didn't see your comment until now. As of now we don't use operations to calculate pay but we do use the commissions and that works great. I think the setup would be worth it as everyone wouldn't have to keep track of pay, it would just be automatically calculated.