One Page to Rule Them All 😉
Nat Auker
Hey Bob, any updates on this idea yet? I think there are 2 main reasons to create a view with all data in it. One is for analytics purposes, the other is so that we can search by any criteria available and find the building or customer. Would love to see something like this available as it would be a really valuable tool for management.
Bob Oxley
The beta version of Manage Throughput was another step in this direction (i.e., 'able to manage all post-sale operations on one page') (still lacking everything that deliveries needs). Any feedback on data that is missing on this page?
Jerald Rhodes
Bob Oxley: Building Design, Building Style, Model. Also it would be nice to see size/dimension as an option regardless of style/model. At times I would like to see what is the most popular size across all shed styles regardless of what style or design it is associated with.
Nat Auker
Bob Oxley: Ideally we would have access to all possible columns in Manage Throughput! Maybe all possible actions as well, such as adding in some delivery features.
Bob Oxley
Merged in a post:
More criteria for new saved views
Mark Miller
Not all fields are available as criteria to save views. One that I ran across this week was in the deliveries, you cannot filter by Building production status. I think there are more that I haven't come across, but that was a glaringly obvious one that should be there in that particular view.
Nat Auker
Agreed! Please upvote the post One Page to Rule Them All! Exactly what I have in mind!
Nat Auker
I think a column with the Bill to Address and Ship to Address yet on this...
Jerald Rhodes
There are a lot of these! I've noticed the same thing. There are times I want to run a specific report but some of the criteria is only available under Building Reports, some under Deliveries, etc. There isn't anywhere in TSA where all criteria possible is available to pull into one report. IMO it would be nice to have all the available criteria in one location.
George Young
Jerald Rhodes And/or expose more fields to these individual views. Also the ability to export to XLS/CSV on every view. Right now it's only available on a few. This makes our sales analysis and reporting extremely time consuming. We have to manually select the HTML output on the page and paste into spreadsheets. In some cases we have to literally open every single location or contact to copy/paste their relational data so we can run relational reports. As a sales and marketing manager I feel like my hands are tied whenever I'm asked by management to provide certain stats, KPIs and metrics.