Mobile Friendly View for Drivers
Alex Skrivseth
One of our drivers had a great suggestion this morning (this is something I strongly agree with as well as all of our drivers that we work with)… Could we develop a more mobile-friendly view for the Manage Deliveries tab? Specifically for confirmed deliveries at least, this is something they need to be able to pull up and at a glance see information like the customer name and number, building serial number, start and end locations, and the scheduled date and time.
My suggestion would be to put this into more of a card view (see attached screenshots on how Microsoft displays this vs TSA Manage Deliveries now). That way this info could be available without needing to scroll side to side, which is more difficult on a phone. Most of our guys prefer a phone if possible since it is easier to carry around while they do the delivery. The info is all there, so we are just talking about a more usable mobile view.
Let me know if you think there is a reasonable chance of this being developed. I’d like to let our drivers know, they can be fine the way it is but I do see their point that this would make it a lot easier to use!
Bob Oxley
Bob Oxley
OP's suggestion is realized with Managed Views. Re. the 'print button' - we will be working towards that end.
Wilmer Fox
Yes to this !!! (Or get an app built for the mobile devices instead of using the browser) Also could there be a print button added to easily print a cover sheet for the chosen days deliveries?