Interior Wall Placement/View
Tom Burbidge
That's awesome - exactly what we wanted! When was it released, do you still list these improvements on the change log?
Jerry Gingerich
Tom Burbidge:
This was released fairly recently and wasn't announced yet -due to it not being completed yet. The wall does not calculate a price -though this is coming.
We recommend a work-around of also using a non-3D interior wall option to calculate a lineal unit price and use this new feature to show the wall's location on the floor plan view.
Jerry Gingerich
Jerry Gingerich
You can do this by using interior_wall and interior_door_sl, both in the Standard 3D Library. These are listed under the Interior Category and will show the wall and door locations on the floor plan view in the Order Form, Building Configuration, and the Work Order.
Rick & Sara Knutson
Jerry Gingerich Hi Jerry, We have had the non-3D options for pricing purposes but I still don't see how to add the Interior Wall in the floor plan. I've tried 2 different designs and I'm in the Interior tab... would this be something Marten's needs to enable for me to do/see?
Jerry Gingerich
Rick & Sara Knutson Yes, they can enable it for you.