Delivery Calendar for sales staff
Jerald Rhodes
Dallas Mast Dallas Strite Not a calender but this is what I use in Manage Throughput, you can pretty much see any aspect of the delivery you want.
Dallas Strite
Jerald Rhodes Can you send me how you have your veiws set up? Jerald Rhodes
Jerald Rhodes
Dallas Strite Here is my configuration for all custom orders company wide that have not been delivered. (you could add an additional filter for a specific sales persons, store, etc). With these settings, once the building has been marked Delivered or Fulfilled it is removed from the list.
Here are screen shots for filter and column settings that I have configured for myself. Once you have this all set then adjust the Days Overdue column to sort Ascending and this will show your most urgent orders at the top (if you go in and adjust Promised By date on an order it will move accordingly in the list.) Hope this helps!
p.s.- This is in Manage Throughput, all these options are available in Manage Orders except the filter option of Delivery Status. Bob Oxley, could Delivery Status be added to Manage Orders, users assigned Sales Person don't have access to Manage Throughput (or give Sales Persons access to Manage Throughput?) Currently Sales Persons can not set a filter to show only buildings that haven't been delivered.
Dallas Mast
Jerald Rhodes This is great information! I believe this will work well for us. Thanks!
Dallas Strite
Jerald Rhodes thank you got anymore tricks up your sleave? :)
Jerald Rhodes
Dallas Strite nope, that's it! Just trying to stay calm over while I wait for TSA to roll out more features, lol!
Dallas Strite
Yup love this idea.