in progress
Alex Skrivseth
Here’s some much needed update suggestions for the deliver side.
Delivery paperwork needs to show the order date.
Have a map available that shows customer deliveries. Be able to sort deliveries with filters delivery status pending, estimated, confirmed, completed. Also would like to be able to filter production status within the delivery map pending, production started, ready for delivery. Also be able to filter drivers and plants. This would help with dispatching tremendously. Also I could see on a map and one glance were all our buildings are getting delivered too.
The calendar. The drivers need different colors. We have 3-4 different drivers in a calendar and it can get confusing very easily.
There needs to be a easier way to change the drivers. We work out of the schedule/calendar when scheduling the shed and need to have the ability to change the driver at a click of a button on the schedule and not have to go back to the manage delivers every time to change a driver.
We’ve been making due with what we have to work with but the delivery scheduling needs to have some major improvements so it can run smother for everyone working in that department.
I know this part of The Shed App gets overlooked but its a very important piece and would appreciate some attention to this side of The Shed App.
Wilmer Fox
It would also be really nice if we could customize the email schedule request wording. Currently, when we click the "request delivery confirmation" button we are stuck with the generic wording.
Alex Skrivseth
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Add "Featured Image" column to Manage Deliveries
Wilmer Fox
The "Featured Image" column in Manage Deliveries would be VERY helpful!! (like in Manage inventory) As of now dispatcher and drivers need to open pdf to get an idea what type of building they are working with.
Bob Oxley
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Map with pins of orders for Delivery
Jerald Rhodes
Our dispatch could utilize a map with pins of each order placed. This helps with a visual of where loads are going or combinations of loads that can be created. Ability to sort by production status, delivery status, and order type (sale/inventory) would be wonderful!!
Bob Oxley
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Have the Delivery integrate with Google Maps or another good map
Dallas Mast
This would be useful from a logistics standpoint where you could see a map that shows pending delivery locations on it and assist with creating delivery runs for buildings.
Anthony Skinner
This system was built on google maps for deliveries.
Client says
As a Dispatcher, we need to be able to define if the deliveries are in inventory off a lot or from the manufacturer using an icon (per the attached picture). This will allow at a glance of the map to be able to know whats happening.
Here is a glossary of what the icons mean for attached picture -
When clicking on the pin for the final destination of delivery (per picture), to be able to add and see notes to the pin (delivery notes).
Bob Oxley
in progress
Thanks for the feedback - we have been working on updates to deliveries for some time with the move to an order centric management approach; there are a lot of moving pieces, but we will get there! This is great stuff that we will be working into the solution.
Bob Oxley
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Block time off on driver schedules
Alex Skrivseth
Hi, I am new to the shed app, was curious if there would be a way to fill in a driver's schedule when they turn in a request to have off? Like grey out the days, they want off then it wouldn’t accept any deliveries for that driver on those days?
Wilmer Fox
On the schedule view when you click on a delivery/load the pop-up window does not display the rest of the days work. This is a bit unhandy doing final adjustments to a load. Or even better just allow us to adjust or drag delivery time right on the main schedule view without the extra pop-up.
Daniel Strite
Also need to have a user role for dispatcher. Dispatcher only should be able to see and manage the "Manage Deliveries" section. Bob Oxley
Jerald Rhodes
Could you make it possible to show the notes without having to click on the note icon? Like maybe have "notes" as a Dimension in the Display Settings and have the ability to filter only notes tagged for delivery. It would be nice to be able to skim down through Manage Deliveries and see the notes right off without having to click in to them. This is especially important as sometimes the retailer will add a note specific to the delivery after the sale but we never receive notification of this. And sometimes dispatch would like to add brief notes for their own benefit after discussing potential delivery with customer. This would help eliminate some confusion and would also save time for dispatch when scrolling through deliveries. Hopefully this makes sense!
I would also second the delivery map idea!
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