Add More Date Options To Reports- This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, Last Quarter, etc
Jerald Rhodes
Love the ability to save reports within TSA! It would be extremely nice to be able to have the option of selecting a date that is YTD, This Quarter, Last Quarter, Last Year, Last Month, Last Week etc. and the saved reports would update accordingly. Ex- I run a report at the beginning of each week and month on all buildings sold the previous week/month. It would be really nice to just have the date range set as "Last Month" or "Last Week" and then I wouldn't have to mess with the report criteria. I run several other reports on a regular basis that would utilize this feature as well.
George Young
Also the last 12 months. There's a LOT to be desired in regards to reporting, the availability of fields, lack of exporting options, limited relational data...
Bob Oxley
Great suggestion - the plan is to add this functionality as part of the Scorecard Settings upgrade.
Mark Miller